
Opinion: IoT is the Next Step in Tracking Automotive Components

March 5, 2019

August 29, 2024


x min read

As vehicles incorporate more new technologies and highly sophisticated components, it has become increasingly complicated and expensive to ship these parts. That's why many automotive manufacturers are turning to the Internet of Things, or IoT, to reduce risk and improve efficiency across the supply chain.

In this recent op ed with Automotive Logistics, Tive CEO Krenar Komoni and Tive customer Agron Galimuna, executive managing director at Tri-Wall Austria Packaging Systems, discuss the impact of IoT on the automotive supply chain. Agron and Komoni shed light on the importance of these new technologies, and how they enable supply chain teams to maintain visibility over their in-transit goods.

Highlighting the important of IoT solutions for the automotive industry, Agron and Krenar suggest that "IoT technology promises to make a big impact in the near future on how automotive manufacturers maintain the quality of their products throughout the supply chain." With multi-sensor tracking devices attached to every shipment, the manufacturer can ensure that they always know where their goods are, and how they're doing. More importantly, real-time location and condition-based alerts make it possible for manufacturers to get ahead of potential issues, proactively responding as soon as delays or damages occur (instead of waiting until delivery to find out that something has gone wrong).

In this article, Agron and Krenar share a trial in which a tracker was used to measure the impact of rough terrain on a fragile car part. They describe how the IoT tracker quickly transmitted a signal that showed up on the computer as soon as impacts occurred, making it easy to track the progress of the part across the facility.

To learn more about how IoT is making a difference in the automotive supply chain, take a look at the full article in Automotive Logistics. And for more information about how Tive's sensor+software IoT solution can bring new levels of visibility to your supply chain, request a trial today.

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