
Beer Shipment Destroyed in Truck Turnover

April 24, 2018

August 29, 2024


x min read

Here at Tive, we work with a lot of companies that are trying to predict and avoid product damage. Usually, this means temperature excursions, mishandling, and other common forms of damage. But sometimes, shipments can be damaged in more unexpected ways.

Just last week in Wichita, Kansas, KWCH reports that an entire semi truck full of Keystone Light beer was overturned in a highway traffic accident. Thankfully, the driver of the truck only suffered minor injuries, but the shipment of beer was less lucky. Footage of the accident shows cases and cases of beer spilling out of the destroyed truck down an embankment by the side of the road. 

This sort of accident, while obviously not a typical event, is exactly the sort of unpleasant surprise that keeps supply chain managers up at night. When the unexpected happens, how will you make sure you know as soon as possible, so that you can react right away and clean up the mess?

With Tive's sensor-driven supply chain visibility solution, managers get immediate alerts as soon as a harmful event occurs. So whether it's a routine mishandling or an overturned truckload of light beer, you'll know as soon as the damage occurs.

To learn more about how Tive is bringing a new level of visibility to the supply chain, request a demo today.

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