Cross-Border Visibility Provides Competitive Advantage

March 12, 2025


x min read


Co pied!

ISDB Logistik is a family-owned and operated business that was launched in 2001 to provide a broad range of transport services to Eastern Europe, all CIS countries, and Central Asia. Armed with deep expertise, ISDB Logistik offers industry-specific solutions that suit a wide range of transport types and customer requirements.

ISDB ships more than 4,000 shipments per year—but before using Tive, they didn’t have a high level of real-time insight into the location and condition of those shipments. Their trucks had GPS trackers, but the team still had to call 100 drivers every morning just to get status updates. “It was crazy,” said Mihail Tatar, Carrier & Transport Manager. “We lacked accurate, first-hand information—and that needed to change.”

Another Tive customer, DSV, recommended the Solo 5G trackers to Tatar as a foolproof method of tracking cargo, and his team jumped on board. “Before Tive, we would get inaccurate information—and now we can see exactly what’s going on. There is tremendous relief in that.” 

ISDB Logistik now uses 300 Tive trackers per year, and expects to expand to 400 in 2025.

In 2024, more than 300 shipments were monitored using Tive. Initially, the Tive solution was used exclusively for shipments from Belgium to Kazakhstan. But in 2025, the company expanded its use of Tive to include shipments from China to the EU—further enhancing their global tracking capabilities.

Accurate Information is a Game Changer

ISDB Logistik ships across eastern Europe and central Asia, as well as between countries in the CIS—which includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Moving cargo between these countries poses many regulatory and operational challenges, and ISDB needed a tech solution that would support real-time, inter-country shipments.

Tatar previously worked for a transportation company based in Russia, and when they first installed GPS on a shipment, he said it felt like moving from medieval times to the 21st century. Said Tatar, “Before GPS, my drivers would send text messages or I would have to call them to check in. It was extremely tedious and time consuming.”

Continued Tatar, “We used to get incorrect information, but with Tive we can see exactly what is going on with our shipments. We have more control, and can point out what is going on—or what’s going wrong—and get issues resolved quickly.” This level of insight also helps ISDB Logistik gain an economic advantage over their competition.

Real-Time Coverage Leads the Way

While Tatar and his team had some insight into the location of their cargo prior to using Tive, they wanted—and needed—much more. While some of their carriers had GPS systems on their trucks, shipping to and from countries such as Turkey, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan proved tricky. Said Tatar, “These countries don't often have this equipment… they just don’t use it.”

Tive changed all that. “We initially ordered 25 trackers because we already had experience with Tive because of our relationship with DSV—so we knew how accurate the solution would be for us,” said Tatar. And their plans for expansion keep growing.

Flexible Shipment Configurations are Key

Sometimes, shipment parameters need to change while the cargo is in transit—and the flexibility of the Tive platform enables Tatar and his team to make changes on the fly. “The platform is extremely flexible, and enables us to adjust the tracker communication frequency as needed, based on our needs or the status of a certain shipment,” commented Tatar. Other real-time tracking solutions require customers to call the company and have an employee change the settings, but Tive customers are empowered to tweak shipment configuration settings immediately—as shipment conditions change. 

ISDB Logistik now uses Tive trackers to monitor shipments across their business, and configuration flexibility is one of the primary reasons. ISDB Logistik ships primarily via road—with some trips crossing small European oceans—and tracker communication frequency changes from mode to mode.

For ocean shipments, setting the tracker to ping once a day extends the battery life of the device—and Tatar and his team can take comfort knowing the tracker battery won’t die mid-shipment. “You get the communication, and you can see that everything is fine—and you know for sure that the battery will make it all the way through the trip,” stated Tatar.

In addition to the main benefits provided by Tive, the solution has also helped ISDB avoid serious shipment problems. “Whenever we encounter a challenging situation, we switch the communication frequency to ping every 10 or 15 minutes, so we can see exactly what is going on with a shipment,” said Tatar. “In 40% of cases, we have seen that the location of the truck is incorrect—and the only way we can see that is because of Tive.”

Avoiding Sticky Situations

Shipping to and from developing countries requires continuous monitoring and constant oversight of the entire shipping process—from pickup through delivery. This includes being able to quickly and easily demonstrate compliance with various country regulations. “We were recently able to prevent a shipment from going through Russia, which is forbidden. We cannot currently use Russia as a transit country or we face huge fines.”

One morning, Tatar got to work and noticed that one of his trucks was perched on the Russian border. “I contacted the driver and the carrier, and told them to return to the designated route. Then I changed the tracker communication frequency to ping every 10 minutes—so I could keep a close eye on the truck. At first, they tried to deny their location, but when I sent them a screenshot showing where the truck was they had to admit it.”

Tatar continued, “When carriers realize that we have ‘invisible control’ over shipments, they execute the delivery better—and more efficiently. Tive helps improve our delivery ability because drivers and carriers understand that we are like Big Brother—and we are watching.”

ISDB has also been able to identify—and stop using—several carriers who were lying to them, which helps improve the reliability of their services. “Tive gives us ground for improved contract negotiation. It is a part of our standard toolkit now,” says Tatar.

Grateful Customers = Happy Customers

At ISDB Logistik, customer service is king. Not only do they want to attract new customers, they strive to provide outstanding service levels to their existing customers—and Tive’s real-time visibility solution ensures that both scenarios are successful.

According to Tatar, “In Europe, companies will sometimes try to use another logistics provider, but in this region—combined with our deep expertise—it is unlikely that they will find somebody who can provide a better service offering than ISDB Logistik.”

Not only does this provide Tatar and his team with peace of mind, it helps them all sleep very well at night. “Tive calms my nerves,” said Tatar. “Our clients are extremely grateful that we use Tive to monitor their shipments—and they are thankful for what we do.”

“I sleep better now because I can open the Tive platform, immediately see what’s going on with my shipments, and call to quickly resolve any issues.” In business, there is nothing better than peace of mind, and ISDB Logistik—and their customers—can rest easy knowing their shipments are safe.