
Op Ed: How IoT Improves the Electronics Supply Chain

July 10, 2018

October 15, 2024


x min read

Electronics manufacturers lose billions of dollars every year due to late and damaged shipments. But with new IoT technologies, these companies are gaining real-time visibility into the location and condition of their in-transit goods. 

In this recent op ed published with electronics supply chain publication EPS News, we discuss the benefits of IoT for the electronics industry.  For many electronics manufacturers, in-transit damage is a major concern, as fragile goods such as computers, cellular components, and other expensive electronic products are particularly susceptible to damage when dropped or otherwise mishandled. With an IoT-powered visibility solution, these companies can identify the root cause of product damage and delays and use quantitative analytical tools to optimize from end to end. 

To learn more about the benefits of IoT for electronics manufacturers, read the full article from EPS News here. And to learn more about how Tive is helping electronics companies take control of their supply chain, take a look at our electronics damage alerting case study, or request a demo today. 

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