
Masterpiece International Curates In-Transit Visibility for Fine Art Clients with Tive

July 14, 2021

October 15, 2024


x min read

In search of a way to have visibility into shipments without a courier during this unprecedented time, Masterpiece began exploring in-transit visibility solutions. With the availability of high-tech solutions capable of providing hyper-accurate location and condition insights in real-time, the company saw an opportunity to keep high-value art moving without human accompaniment and continue to meet client expectations. 

Masterpiece's hunt for an in-transit visibility solution brought them to Tive. After testing trackers from multiple companies, they determined Tive - as well as the Tive belief that "every shipment matters" - was a great fit for both their company and their clients.

"We love Tive. We looked at others, we've used others, and we much prefer Tive," said Sullivan. "And the disposable aspect of the trackers is really appealing - you can spend weeks trying to get devices back, and with other companies, it gets costly."  

Masterpiece International currently uses Tive's Flagship tracker and the Solo 5G, depending on shipment requirements.  In this customer use case study, learn how Masterpiece International implemented Tive real-time trackers to accompany fine art shipments instead of couriers to get real-time in-transit visibility. In the study, you’ll read more about: 

  • How Tive's precise location tracking capabilities and real-time conditions tracking - temperature, humidity, light, and shock - provides proactive management of high-value shipments
  • The cost reduction Masterpiece International saved by using trackers instead of more costly couriers for in-transit visibility
  • Why fine art shipment trackers may evolve into a new industry standard 
  • The use of trackers allowed Masterpiece International to provide more value-added customer service.

Read the full case study by clicking on the button below.


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