
September 2022 Product Roundup

Here’s a roundup of new features and bug fixes for this month, plus a sneak peek of condition-only shipment sharing. Check out the new Application look and features in the video.

What’s New

Automatically share shipments with carriers

Now it’s easy to share a shipment with relevant carriers and quickly provide real-time visibility into their shipments. All contacts with whom you want to share a shipment must have an email address to enable shipment sharing. To add collaborators to a shipment, first attach contacts to a specific carrier. Next, create a shipment and add the carrier. After the shipment is underway, shipment notifications are automatically shared with the carrier contacts.

Share shipments with relevant carriers

Wi-Fi Support for Solo 2G Trackers

Tive Solo 2G trackers now use Wi-Fi scanning to determine shipment location. Wi-Fi locations are more accurate than cellular locations, and use less battery power than GPS.

New Alerts Summary consolidates multiple notifications into one email

The Tive application now groups notifications for multiple alerts and sends a summary email that contains a list of alerts—streamlining the number of alerts you receive. You are still able to view individual alerts in the Tive application.

Alert summary email

Automatic Bluetooth Configuration for Beacons

Bluetooth and other configuration variables are automatically updated to improve data capturing from the Beacon and the battery life of a tracker. When you change a tracker’s measurement interval, the Bluetooth update interval automatically updates to match. To enable/disable Bluetooth for a Beacon, please contact Tive support.

Get started exploring the new look and the latest features:

Bug Fixes

Here’s a rundown of bug fixes for this month.

  • In the ‘Columns’ feature in Shipment/Tracker List pages, you can now scroll down and the windowed mode label is properly hidden.
  • External users are now displayed in the Notify Users dropdown for alert presets.
  • In the Reports tab, “Leg lanes” now reflect the same time zones set in user preferences.
  • When inviting a user to an organization, available user role options now match all user roles created for that organization.
  • When modifying the departure date for a multi-leg shipment, changes remain in the shipment details after it has been edited. 
  • Users are automatically logged out of the Tive platform after 15 minutes of inactivity for increased security. 
  • Collaborators assigned to saved locations can now be automatically attached to shipment templates when the saved location is applied. 
  • When editing a shipment to add collaborators, the changes are now saved. 

If you need any help or have any questions, we’re always here for you. Drop us a note at

Coming Soon

We're excited to share a powerful new feature coming in October:

Share only shipment condition data with collaborators

Today, your organization admin can grant users permission to view only the real-time location of a shipment. In October, organization admins will be able to grant permissions for specific users to see only the condition data for a shipment. Users with condition-only data access will also be able to view alerts and data for shipment conditions — without seeing the shipment’s current location or destination. Get peace of mind knowing that only the people you want to see a shipment’s location and/or condition data can see it

Share real-time visibility for shipment conditions

View alerts specifically for shipment conditions, without seeing location