
Week in Review: Milton's Mayhem, Stormy Nuts & Molecule Madness

October 17, 2024

October 17, 2024


x min read

A perfect storm is brewing in the world of supply chains, and this Week in Review serves up a slice of the chaos. Hurricane Milton's fury aftershocks impact Georgia's food industry, while Hormel performs logistical gymnastics to keep Planters nuts flowing. Meanwhile, cargo thieves are gearing up for a record-breaking heist season as holiday shipping ramps up. Amidst the mayhem, Rotterdam's port emerges as a bastion of innovation, smoothing out the kinks in European trade. And if that wasn't enough excitement, we'll take you on a ride with Big Pharma as they sprint against time, delivering cutting-edge cancer therapies with a 5-day expiration date. It's a world where oranges, peanuts, and lifesaving drugs are all part of the same battle—and we've got ringside seats!

Stormy Forecast: Economists Sound the Alarm on Hurricane Milton’s Potential Disruptions to Georgia's Food Supply

Hurricane Milton tore across Florida, but its aftershocks will reach far beyond state lines. Georgia businesses now face a sobering reality: the storm's fury could send shockwaves through its food supply chain—and beyond.

The Citrus Squeeze: More than OJ at Stake

Florida's citrus groves took a direct hit, which spells trouble for Georgia's food industry. Dr. Roger Tutterow, a seasoned economics professor, paints a stark picture. He warns that the hurricane’s aftershocks "will disrupt not only the product coming out right now," but will also have implications in the long term for regional orange production. Think beyond breakfast: this squeeze affects everything from food manufacturing to restaurant supply.

Roadblocks & Shortages: The Supply Chain’s New Normal

Hurricane Milton's wrath extends to vital transportation routes. Economists predict that blocked roads and flooded highways in the aftermath of the double hit from Hurricane Helene and now Milton will create a domino effect of delayed goods and potential shortages.  Even construction materials like plywood might get diverted to Florida's recovery efforts, leaving Georgia businesses scrambling for alternatives. Dr. Tom Smith of Emory University doesn't mince words; he believes that the impact of the hurricane will cause massive supply chain disruptions across different areas. Your business could soon confront empty shelves and frustrated customers. And with hurricane season far from over, strap in.

How Hormel Leverages Co-Packer Partnerships to Overcome Production Challenges

When food safety concerns hit Hormel's Planters facility in Virginia this April, the company refused to let its snack nut production crumble. Instead, it called up trusted co-packing partners to keep shelves stocked—while tackling plant upgrades head on.  

Rapid Response: From Plant Floor to Partner Facilities

Hormel's quick pivot to co-packers demonstrates the value of having a solid contingency plan to support supply chain resilience. Within months, they'd lined up co-packers to boost fill rates on their popular snack nuts. Meanwhile, back at the affected plant, teams got to work upgrading equipment and fine-tuning processes. Their speedy response meant customers barely felt a thing, even as Hormel tackled the root cause.

Building Resilience: Lessons from Hormel's Supply Chain Strategy

Hormel's quick recovery offers some food for thought for other B2B players looking to toughen up their supply chains. Last year's $200 million investment in modernizing their operations gave them the flexibility to pivot smoothly, streamline their system, and prepare it to support a diverse brand lineup. With all this in place, Hormel has created a supply chain with some serious bounce-back ability. And it’s not like their supply chain challenges simply disappeared: today, Hormel continues proving its resilience in the face of ongoing challenges such as avian flu threats to its turkey supply.

Cargo Theft Experts Sound Alarm: Overhaul's Ramon Forecasts Record Q4 Cargo Theft Activity

Peak season looms, and an unwelcome surge in cargo theft is coming with it. Industry watchdogs warn that 2023's already elevated theft levels may pale compared to what's in store. Danny Ramon, Overhaul's Director of Intelligence, predicts a grim milestone: "This will be a record-breaking fourth quarter for cargo thefts."

Organized Crime Drives Midweek Theft Spike

The face of cargo theft is changing. Pilferage—once the domain of small-time crooks—has evolved into a lucrative enterprise for well-funded criminal organizations. Ramon notes a sharp uptick in midweek thefts, pointing to large-scale, organized operations. These sophisticated rings have reinvested profits, scaling up their illicit activities and blurring traditional seasonal patterns.

Thieves Salivate at the Holiday Rush

As retailers gear up for the holidays, the pressure to move goods quickly creates security blind spots. "Security tends to lessen when the supply chain is moving too rapidly," Ramon cautions. This urgency—coupled with lessons criminals learned during the pandemic about supply chain vulnerabilities—sets the stage for a potential theft epidemic. Scott Cornell of Travelers Insurance also paints a stark picture, reporting a staggering 1,500% increase in strategic thefts since Q1 2021. With 2024 projections already outpacing 2023's numbers, the industry is preparing for the worst.

Rotterdam: Building Supply Chains That Won't Break

Global trade is becoming more challenging due to wars, political shake-ups, and new regulations. That's why Dutch powerhouse Rotterdam wants to help businesses weather the storm—and emerge stronger on the other side.

Europe's Front Door: More Than Just a Big Port

Rotterdam moves a lot of goods—we're talking 37,000 containers every single day, adding up to 13.4 million TEUs a year. But beyond being busy, the port hooks right into Europe's transport network—so your products can get anywhere fast, whether by truck, train, or boat. And with all the new rules about emissions and sustainability, having an intelligent base such as Rotterdam is a huge plus. As Hanna Stelzel from the port puts it, they're the key to getting goods "from Europe to the rest of the world."

Smart Solutions for Real-World Problems

Rotterdam is developing practical fixes for the daily global trade problems businesses face. Take their cross-dock setup—it helps companies skip the warehouse middleman, getting products to stores quicker and cheaper. They've even got an app to cut down on truck waiting times, which saves money and cuts pollution. But the coolest part? Rotterdam is a team player. They're working with other big ports like Singapore to figure out greener shipping and smoother trade—not just to move boxes but to make the whole system work better for everyone.

The 5-Day Dash: Big Pharma's Race to Deliver Cancer-Crushing Therapies

Imagine a cancer treatment so precise it hunts down malignant cells like a guided missile. Now imagine it has a self-destruct timer. Welcome to the world of radioligand therapies (RLTs), in which pharmaceutical giants are gambling billions on their ability to manufacture, package, and deliver these drugs—before they fizzle out.

Threading the Needle in 120 Hours

Novartis learned this lesson the hard way in 2023 when supply chain snags left patients waiting for its newly-approved prostate cancer RLT, Pluvicto. With only a 5-day window to ship each dose from its Italian factory to U.S. hospitals, the tiniest disruption—a delayed flight, a customs holdup, even a thunderstorm—could render an entire batch useless. It's a logistical tightrope walk that makes Erik Mittra, MD, PhD, director of radiopharmaceutical therapeutics at Oregon Health and Science University, emphasize: "There is very little tolerance for errors with shipping." Every tick of the clock brings these potent therapies closer to expiration, turning what should be lifesaving medicine into very expensive, very radioactive waste.

Pharma's Countdown Conundrum

The pharmaceutical industry isn't taking this challenge lying down. Novartis is plowing ahead with plans for two new U.S.-based RLT facilities, including an Indianapolis site that'll produce crucial isotopes in-house. Not to be outdone, Sanofi has partnered with RadioMedix and Orano Med to fast-track AlphaMedix, a promising RLT targeting certain neuroendocrine tumors. These aren't just new factories—they're specialized nerve centers designed to master the art of RLT production and distribution, one precisely-timed dose at a time.

Weathering the Storm: Tive's Toolkit for Supply Chain Serenity

From Florida hurricanes wrecking citrus crops to pharmaceutical companies racing against the clock, businesses need reliable solutions. That's where Tive comes in, offering practical tools:

  • Trackers: Revolutionize your shipment tracking with Tive's advanced Solo 5G and Solo Lite trackers, offering real-time tracking and condition monitoring to ensure the security and integrity of your cargo.
  • Tive Tag: Enhance perishable shipment protection with Tive Tag—an affordable and reusable paper-thin temperature logger—to verify that your goods have remained pristine throughout transit.
  • Platform: Streamline your supply chain management with Tive's intuitive cloud platform, offering comprehensive visibility, analytics, and integration capabilities for real-time shipment visibility and monitoring.
  • Industries: Tive caters to a diverse range of industries, ensuring tailored solutions for unique supply chain challenges—from perishables to high-value goods to transportation and logistics to pharmaceuticals… and beyond.
  • 24/7 Live Monitoring team: This team is available to help ensure that your shipments are constantly watched over and managed—to guarantee timely and secure delivery.

Arm yourself with innovation—let Tive lead the way in transforming your supply chain operations. Embrace the future of logistics—get started with Tive today.

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