
Tive’s Green Program: Where Visibility Meets Supply Chain Sustainability

March 18, 2022

March 24, 2025


x min read

For Tive Founder and CEO Krenar Komoni, it’s not enough for his company to simply provide the tools and software needed to achieve end-to-end supply chain visibility. He envisions the global supply chain as one giant start-up company, with everyone working together to make it better. That means providing customers with options such as single-use or multi-use trackers and working sustainably to ensure safety and good stewardship of the planet and its resources.

This blog takes a closer look at one of Tive’s primary sustainability initiatives — its "Green Program." This rebate program incentivizes customers to return trackers to Tive for recycling and refurbishment whenever possible rather than discarding them to a landfill somewhere. We will explain how the program works, who it benefits, and why.

Dedicated to Driving Supply Chain Improvement

The Tive team constantly strives to drive continuous improvement in the global supply chain, as evidenced by the following:

  • Realizing that not all shippers have the time and resources to recover trackers effectively, Tive expanded its product portfolio in recent years to include disposable trackers that offer a durable, reliable, and affordable way to ensure in-transit tracking of cargo.
  • In June 2020, Tive released the Solo 5G, the world’s first 5G non-lithium tracker. The Solo 5G is safer and a perfect solution for last-mile deliveries where collecting and returning trackers pose a challenge.

However, at the same time, Tive wants to stay true to its “once is never enough” mantra. This circular supply chain strategy seeks opportunities to recover, reuse, or recycle products whenever possible. This is the driving principle behind Tive’s Green Program.

Tracker Returns Process for Tive Customers: How It Works

The Green Program takes the hassle out of returning temperature-monitoring devices for recycling and refurbishment. Properly managing the recovery process of these trackers and their batteries will help prevent safety and environmental hazards. Here is how the program works:    

  1. Shipments arrive with Tive trackers.
  2. Collect the trackers to be shipped back to Tive.
  3. Contact Support or fill out the online Returns Form with information about where they are shipping from and how many trackers will be shipped. Tive provides prepaid postage return labels for any quantity of trackers in the United States. This affords customers the flexibility to use the packaging of their choice. Tive recommends consolidating trackers to ship back at your convenience, starting at once per month.
  4. Apply the shipping label and lithium battery warning label (if returning trackers other than the Solo 5G Non-Lithium tracker) and drop off the package at the appropriate carrier location.
  5. Once Tive receives your devices, an RMA will be generated and we will determine if you are eligible to receive a rebate or credit incentive for each device.
  6. Incentives will be sent to the customer or added to their account.

Benefits of the Green Program

The Tive Green Program offers several benefits, including cash/credit incentives to Tive customers and lessening the environmental impact of the global supply chain.

Cash/Credit Incentives to Return Trackers

All U.S. customers can participate in Green Program, and may be eligible for rebates or refunds of up to $10 per tracker—agreed to in a contract or analyzed on a case-by-case basis. 

It’s Good for the Environment

Trackers have lithium batteries/plastic cases we want to keep out of landfills. Therefore, more trackers returned to Tive is a win for the environment.

Join Tive in Helping Supply Chains Go Green

Prospects, customers, and business partners increasingly want to work with companies that strive for sustainability in the supply chain and all aspects of their business. Tive is committed to recycling and disposing of batteries properly. With your help by participating in the Tive Green Program, Tive can ensure everyone’s safety and the sustainability of planet Earth by minimizing our ecological footprint. Visit, or reach out to or a sales rep for more information.

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