
Tive! Named East Coast Winner in GSV Labs Entrepreneurship World Cup

August 22, 2019

October 15, 2024


x min read

On July 30, Tive founder and CEO Krenar Komoni gave the winning presentation at the Entrepreneurship World Cup East Coast USA & Canada Final here in Boston to beat out 13 others startups from the East Coast and Canada. 


A partnership between the Misk Global Forum and GSV Silicon Valley LLC ("GSVlabs"), the Entrepreneurship World Cup (EWC) was formed to promote innovation and entrepreneurship around the globe. In addition to $5 million in prize money, the EWC also offers mentorship, learning resources, services and tools to participating companies. 


In his winning four-minute presentation, Komoni explained how Tive delivers a revolutionary approach to supply chain tracking that provides companies with real-time in-transit visibility of their goods around the globe. Tive achieves true end-to-end supply chain visibility via IoT technology that delivers rich sensor data to its Cloud-based platform. Over time, this data allows shippers to proactively optimize their shipments, improve their customers’ experience, and unlock supply chain insights that they would not otherwise be able to access.


The real benefits that Tive brings to shippers include:

  • Global coverage independent of mode of transportation and other data sources;
  • Trackers with five times more battery life and high reliability;
  • User-friendly, collaborative and fully integrated software platform.


Once all 14 candidates were done, the judges selected Tive as the regional winner. Tive opted to decline the $25,000 in prize money due to a recent funding round and now moves on to present in November at the global finals in Riyadh.

To learn more about how Tive can help you protect your supply chain shipments, request a trial today.

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