
Watch Now: Tive CEO Krenar Komoni on Achieving In-Transit Visibility

August 13, 2018

October 15, 2024


x min read

Now more than ever, in-transit visibility is key to a successful supply chain. In this new interview with Bob Bowman of Supply Chain Brain, Tive CEO and Founder Krenar Komoni shares his perspective on the current state of supply chain visibility, and the impact new technologies are making across the industry. 

In their wide-ranging discussion, Krenar and Bowman consider the challenges facing modern manufacturers, as well as the impact of exciting new tools and technologies on the modern supply chain. As Krenar explains, the status quo is changing. "What's becoming more and more prevalent is the sensing of actual goods and understanding what's happening with those goods while in transit," Krenar comments.

Manufacturers and shippers are beginning to integrate real-time location and condition monitoring into their supply chain operations, and this is enabling a new level of end-to-end visibility. In an increasingly complex, globalized world, maintaining that constant visibility into the location and condition of in-transit goods is vital to ensure shipments arrive on time and undamaged.

To learn more about how companies are using new technologies to achieve in-transit visibility into their global shipments, watch the whole interview directly from Supply Chain Brain. And for more information on Tive's supply chain visibility solution, request a demo today.

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