
Tive Announces Partnership With TMS Provider Freightgate

August 30, 2019

October 15, 2024


x min read

Tive is excited to announce that it is partnering with TMS provider Freightgate to deliver end-to-end visibility to all modes of shipping. The agreement allows Freightgate to offer Tive’s IoT sensor tracking and monitoring capabilities to its customers.

The cloud-based Freightgate Transportation Management System (TMS) platform offers supply chain collaboration and visibility; interactive online sailing schedules, multi-modal & multi-factor routing, quote management; regulatory compliance; automated e-invoice audit and more. 

The benefits of the new partnership include:

  • End-to-End global visibility cross-referencing IoT, EDI and AIS data;
  • Drill-down analysis for visibility into where shipments are being delayed or damaged;
  • In-transit updates regarding not only the locations of shipments in transit, but also their condition;
  • True insights into global supply chains.

“Integrating the Freightgate TMS with Tive provides a rich data feed that allows us to do even more detailed analysis of shipment locations and their status,” said Krenar Komoni, CEO at Tive, Inc. “The more data Tive has to work with, the better the customer experience we are able to deliver.”

The Freightgate TMS helps power Freight Forwarders, 3PLs and NVOCCs; the food and beverage; forestry; chemicals, pharmaceuticals and life sciences; and retail supply chain solutions, as well as warehouse management systems.

Learn more about the Tive in-transit supply chain tracking solutions.

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