
The Future of Supply Chain Visibility: Supply Chain Brain Interviews Krenar Komoni

February 5, 2019

October 15, 2024


x min read

"Visibility is finally real. It's finally happening." In this recent interview with Supply Chain Brain Editor-in-Chief Russell Goodman, Tive CEO & Founder Krenar Komoni sheds light on the latest developments in supply chain as well as what's in store for the future. 

The interview took place during CSCMP 2018 -- a perfect backdrop for a wide-ranging conversation covering the past, present, and future of supply chain visibility.

One of the biggest themes in the interview is the extent to which supply chain visibility has transformed from a buzzword into a reality for the modern shipper. Krenar highlights how widespread visibility tools have become, explaining that "it's finally something customers are seeing is possible...we are seeing major adoption with customers." Visibility is finally being implemented on a large scale, as manufacturers all around the world are beginning to invest seriously in digital tools for increased supply chain visibility

 Krenar and Russel go on to discuss the various technologies and trends that are enabling such comprehensive implementation of these new visibility tools. Specifically, Krenar discusses how new data sources are enabling increased transparency, shedding light on previously invisible corners of the global supply chain.

To learn more, check out the full interview on the Supply Chain Brain website. And if you're interested in bringing a new level of visibility to your supply chain, request a trial with Tive today.

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