
Op Ed: Bringing Data-Driven Analysis to Supply Chain Problems

April 10, 2018

October 15, 2024


x min read

Ask a manufacturing manager how they solve problems and you’ll likely get an earful about lean, six sigma, and other data-driven improvement techniques. Ask a supply chain manager and you’ll likely hear a different story: one that involves less analysis and more fire-fighting.

In this recent op ed with Modern Materials Handling, Tive sheds some light on how access to new sources of data is enabling supply chain managers to adapt tried-and-true manufacturing optimization strategies to supply chain.

Specifically, as companies begin to implement IoT technologies in their supply chains, it has become possible to employ quantitative, process-driven strategies to systematically reduce waste and improve reliability across the supply chain. These data-driven tools are helping companies to gain visibility and take back control  of their supply chains from end to end. Ultimately, these tools are giving managers the data and analysis they need to make smarter, more informed decisions about their supply chains.

To learn more, read the full article in Modern Materials Handling. And if you'd like to learn about how Tive's IoT solution can bring a new level of data-driven analysis to your supply chain, request a demo today.

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