
Introducing Tive’s Rapid Return & Recycle Program: Trading E-Waste for Sustainability

October 23, 2024

October 23, 2024


x min read

The world is drowning in electronic waste, and the numbers are staggering. In 2022 alone, people generated a record-breaking 62 million tons of e-waste globally—82% more than in 2010—and we're on track to hit an eye-watering 82 million tons by 2030.

The kicker? That’s not even the worst part. Only 12.5% of all this waste gets recycled, while billions of dollars worth of valuable resources end up in landfills.

At Tive, we refuse to let our real-time tracking devices become part of that growing problem. Sure, we could focus solely on building cutting-edge tech for real-time shipment visibility and combatting cargo theft—but being a leader also means taking responsibility for every device we send out. And that’s why we launched our Rapid Return & Recycle Program as the newest star of our Green Program initiative.

Think simpler returns, lower costs, and a smaller carbon footprint—all wrapped up in one program that turns yesterday's tracker into tomorrow's opportunity.

What is the Rapid Return & Recycle Program?

Most companies want to improve sustainability, but not if it means adding more complexity to their operations. That's exactly why we created the Rapid Return & Recycle Program. It's a practical way for both shippers and receivers to return used trackers—while keeping things simple. Instead of letting trackers simply pile up or end up in the trash, this program puts them back to work.

How the Program Works

We've stripped returning trackers down to the basics. As a shipper, you'll get a box of return kits from us. Someone on your team sticks an envelope to outgoing cargo—with a Tive tracker slid inside. Everything your receivers need to return a tracker is right inside that same envelope: a prepaid return box that's ready to go. Simply slide the tracker into the box, seal it up, and drop it in your outgoing USPS mail. No assembly required, no shipping labels to print, and no hoops to jump through. Today, this program is available in the U.S., and we have plans to expand the program into Europe early next year.

Why It's Simple & Effective

Look, we know your receivers are busy. The last thing they need is a complicated recycling process or extra costs. That's why we made this simple: The return box is already labeled, shipping is on us, and it takes about 30 seconds to drop it in the outgoing mail. By making it this easy, we hope to see more trackers returned to us than ever before—which means less e-waste and better sustainability metrics for everyone involved.

What are the Benefits of this Program?

Running a business is complex enough without worrying about device returns and sustainability metrics. This new program delivers clear value on two fronts: it saves you money and helps the environment.

Here's what that means for your business:

Environmental Impact

Electronic waste throughout supply chains is undoubtedly a massive problem. Every discarded tracker adds to growing landfills and hurts the environment. Our program tackles this head-on by properly recycling and reusing these devices, keeping harmful materials out of landfills, and reducing the demand for new single-use electronics.

Beyond feeling good, it's about meeting the growing demands of customers and regulators who expect businesses to take specific steps toward sustainability & ESG. Each device you recycle through our program is tracked and documented, giving you clear metrics to demonstrate your company's environmental efforts.

Cost Efficiency for Businesses

Managing returns shouldn't be a hassle—or a hidden cost center. Our prepaid return kits eliminate the guesswork and expense of returning used devices. No more wasting time figuring out return labels or tracking down the proper shipping method—we handle all of that for you.

Plus, if your company is working to boost its environmental credentials (and who isn't these days?), our program fits right into your existing sustainability initiatives. You get solid data for your ESG reporting, and a straightforward way to demonstrate your commitment to reducing e-waste. Plus, you can do this while actually cutting costs—not adding to them.

The Rapid Return & Recycle Program: Step-by-Step

Recycling should be easy, not a puzzle to solve. That's why we've created a Rapid Return & Recycle Program that's as simple as sending a regular package. Here's how everyone plays a part:

  1. Order a box of return kits: Think of it as a sustainability starter pack. We send shippers everything needed—shipping envelopes containing pre-labeled, prepaid return boxes, so you can hit the ground running without any hassle.
  2. Add a return envelope to a shipment: Simply stick a return kit—with a tracker and the return box inside—onto each outgoing shipment.
  3. Return the tracker to Tive: Receivers, this is your moment. When a shipment arrives, pop the tracker into the return box provided inside the envelope. There's no need to hunt down packaging or create shipping labels—we've handled all that.
  4. Ship the tracker back to Tive: Here's the best part: simply drop off the prepaid return box at any USPS location, and you're done. There are no forms to fill out, and no shipping costs to worry about. It's as easy as that.
  5. Support the recycling chain: Every tracker returned is one less piece of e-waste in our world. We make sure each device is recycled properly for future reuse, turning today's technology into tomorrow's resources.  

Rapid Return & Recycle: Making Supply Chain Sustainability Actually Work

Most sustainability programs sound great on paper—but fall apart in practice. That's why we built the Rapid Return & Recycle Program around one simple truth: convenience drives action. Just put the tracker into the prepaid box, hand it off to the USPS, and you're done. Each device that comes back to Tive helps keep harmful electronics out of landfills—and gives you concrete sustainability metrics to show for it. And it also saves you money: because doing the right thing shouldn't hurt your bottom line.

What's next? Put our technology to work for you. Whether it's our Solo 5G and Solo Lite trackers keeping tabs on perishable, pharma, or high-value shipments, our paper-thin Tive Tags monitoring temperature-sensitive goods, or our 24/7 monitoring team protecting your cargo like hawks—we've got your supply chain covered.

Curious to learn more? Get started with Tive today and make your dreams of supply chain sustainability a reality.

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